Friday, June 24, 2011

It Wasn't Me!

Wow, it's been a long time since I posted something! Sorry it's been so long. Between traveling and staying in new surroundings for awhile I just haven't been able to find the concentration to actually finish a picture. I've got a record breaking number of pictures in progress, but I just haven't been able to finish any. This one could still use some improvement, but I'm pretty happy with the way it is and don't want to mess it up! So here's the closest thing I have to a finished picture! 


  1. And she's a doll! Her eyes are positively photographic in quality! What a gift the Lord has blessed you with! May you glorify Him in all good things and beauty!

    P.S. Thanks for introducing me to your mom!
    Miss Kathy

  2. Thank you very much Miss Kathy!

